Cyber TM (Thulio)
Equipo multidisciplinario con longitud de onda de 2010mm, altamente absorbida por agua. Debido a sus características de corte, el Cyber TM permite al cirujano seleccionar la técnica quirúrgica de acuerdo al tratamiento. El haz del láser proporciona un corte y ablación de alta velocidad y precisión, penetrando solamente una fracción de milímetro en el tejido.
Técnica HPB rápida y eficiente

The enucleation technique involves the “detachment” of the prostatic obstructive lobes using the endoscopic instrument for the mechanical action, the laser beam to cut/ablate the resistant tissue components or for a quick hemostatic action.
This technique involves the reduction of obstructive lobes into small pieces (removable endoscopically without the aid of a Morcellator) via laser resection.
This procedure involves the reduction of prostate lobes by laser vaporization of obstructive tissue. Thanks to the characteristics of laser vaporization, with Cyber TM you can use optical fibers with side firing or with frontal emission (reusable). Acting on the water component contained in the tissue, vaporization remains constant throughout the procedure, allowing an homogeneous low-depth coagulation (also when using the 200W), a key factor for the reduction of dysuria and other postoperative problems.